Are You Ready For The New National Minimum Wage?

New National Minimum Wage 

-> Start from 1 April, 2024 <-

  • The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is the minimum hourly rate that workers of different ages and apprentices are entitled to.
  • The National Living Wage (NLW) is the highest rate of the NMW, which applies to workers aged 23 and over.
  • From 1 April 2024, the NLW will also apply to workers aged 21 and over, benefiting about 2 million low-wage workers across the nation.
  • The NLW will increase by almost 10% to £11.44 per hour from the current rate of £10.42.
  • The other rates of the NMW will also increase significantly.
  • New National Minimum Wage will be effective on 1 April 2024, as follows:

Age group . . New rate . . Increase

21 and over . . £11.44 . . . +9.8%

18 to 20 . . . . . £8.60 . . . . +14.8%

Under 18 . . . . £6.40 . . . . +21.2%

Apprentice . . . £6.40 . . . .+21.2%

(*above table is structured for your easy understanding, 2024 rates shrinked age group 21, 23 into "21 and above".)

*Pay attention to the Age group 21 that they will enjoy the national minimum wage.

***Contact us to learn more.

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